Information Security Consulting Firm Specializing in Cyber SecurityHACKERSMIND is the Information Security Consulting Firm Specializing in Cyber Security & Compliance Audits, IT Security Risk Management,Security Patches Penetration Testing Services and Executive, Employee & Family Information Security Training.
Our Team of Security Researchers,Information Security Experts and Professional Penetration Testers offer the skill sets to mitigate the security issues that you encounter in the operation of your business & your daily life.HACKERSMIND proud to have loyal Multinational clients and working with companies in securing their data ,preventing data breach ,testing sites daily against malware ,patching security holes and optimizing site as per technologies .
Penetration Testing
Web Application Assessments & Auditing
Computer Forensics
Cyber Security Consulting
SSL Provider and Installation
Information Security Training
Cyber Awareness ? It’s the most important task which every organization should perform in routine .Employees technical illiteracy can lead to largest and most easy breach to company sensitive data .
Data Recovery
Data recovery from compromised systems,hard drives or pen drive is possible with HACKERSMIND data recovery services.We have developed probably best algorithm to recover corrupted data from pendrives or computer.
Website Patches
HACKERSMIND develops and install security patches for your websites and servers .When any website hacked or compromised ,we first clean it from malwares/trojans and then patch all existing security holes .
Network Scan and Auditing
Software and Files audit
Ethical hacking Research to protect sensitive National/International data.
Research programming to build optimized-algorithm of current running national projects
Securing software and website against most common attacks
Bring Revolution in the era of cyber security and programming
Promotes Open Source & stops pirated softwares equipped with malwares & trojans.
Supporting?social causes like Cyber Crime Awareness .