
How to get a better rank for a website in search engine?


seo single page websites 760x400The first page of Google receives 95 percent of web traffic, with subsequent pages receiving 5 percent or less of total traffic.

I’ve got the reference to a lot of business owners and managers – newbies and veterans – who have gone crazy trying to unlock the secrets of how to improve Google ranking and performance without incurring penalties. We should know what we usually do and what we don’t…

I wish I could have any magic button that can help you to rank your website #1st Rank without fail. Unfortunately, there is no such trick. It takes resourcefulness, dedication, persistence, and creativity. This is especially true because of the constantly-changing nature of Google’s algorithm.

I have learned this the hard way. You should learn how to optimize for both humans and search algorithm crawlers, and to master on-page and off-page SEO.

You must know where you stand now. Then only you can work on improvement. Explore the vast opportunities to get #better rank.

want45513 1uhpwF1481319695Understand the Google ranking algorithm

Google is constantly changing their algorithm, even though most of these changes aren’t publicly announced or described.

While on the other hand, Google does make major update announcements, the exact inner workings of the algorithm are unknown (and a bit mysterious) to the general public. A good majority of information out there is just speculation from industry professionals.

So we can understand that site changing search algorithms as their biggest obstacle to SEO success.

What we do now?

“Google has a mission to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

Let’s understand the updates of the Google first

Mobile-friendly update (April 2015) – It is focused on favoring websites with mobile-friendly versions and setting the stage for future penalties if sites don’t comply.

Pigeon (July 2014) – Working to integrate local search results like Google Maps.

Hummingbird (August 2013) – Aiming to understand the context and intent behind a user’s search instead of just looking at the literal words they typed.

Penguin (April 2012) – In this update Google has Targeted spammers and sites that buy unnatural links to boost their rankings.

Not to mention Panda, Google EMDs (exact match domain names), and the Private Blog Network (PBN) DE indexing updates. Then there’s Phantom, which first appeared in May 2013 and is believed to have been updated four times – but has never actually been confirmed by Google.

So by going through this updates, we have an understanding of what are the changes in Google we can optimize our content such as videos, blogs or website. The basic criteria are to understand the protocols of the search engine.

seo smm small businessUnderstand the importance of keyword

Keywords play a vital role in the SEO if a blog or website. Keyword metadata is rarely if ever used to tabulate search engine rankings. However, you should already know your keyword phrases, so it doesn’t hurt to add them into your keyword metadata. You’ll want to include a variety of phrases. As a general rule, try to keep it to about 6-8 phrases with each phrase consisting of 1-4 words.

How the Title important?

Title metadata is responsible for the page titles displayed at the top of a browser window and as the headline within search engine results. It is the most important metadata on your page. For those with a CMS website, the web team has developed an automated system for creating the meta-title for each webpage. The title gives the overview of the content.

What is Meta description?

Description metadata is the textual description that a browser will use in your page search return. Think of it as your site’s window display—a concise and appealing description of what is contained within, with the goal of encouraging people to enter. A good meta-description will typically contain two full sentences.

Keep updating your content

Regularly updated content is viewed as one of the best indicators of a site’s relevancy, so be sure to keep it fresh. Keep your content updated and share it.

SEO 2016Content should be relevant

The content should be relevant to the business. Quality content is the number one driver of your search engine rankings and there is no substitute for great content. Quality content created specifically for your intended user increases site traffic, which improves your site’s authority and relevance.

Hope the information will be helpful. I will do appreciate your feedback.

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