
Google proposes 13 emoji to depicts professional /working women

Google proposes 13 emoji to depicts professional /working women

Emoji Women

In an effort to better represent women in today’s digital conversations, Google has come up with 13 new emoji depicting them in various lines of work, such as healthcare, technology and agriculture. They’re included in a proposal (PDF) to the Unicode Consortium, which is responsible for standardizing emoji worldwide.



A group of Google developers has designed a set of 13 new emojis they believe will better represent and depicts the modern woman in day to day life.  The new emojis show woman in roles such as doctors, tech workers, mechanics, farmers, educators and rock stars.

There are some Unicode shortcode to show or generate emojis which are shows the Woman and Man emojis…


Some of the gender diverse emoji proposed by Google this week.


The Google team  also pointed out that young women are the heaviest users of emoji and are more likely to use emoji at work while communicating with peers.It’s also worth noting that the proposal includes representation of male emojis in these professions.


Awadhesh Kumar

Jain Software Developers

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